
A.C, Safe & Comfortable Transport
Students can avail the school transport according to the availability of seats. The routes of the school buses are drawn up and the parents should contact the school transport in charge for necessary details.
Bus Rules
- No child will be permitted to discontinue bus service in the middle of the session.
- All students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the arrival of the bus. The bus will not wait for late comers.
- The children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
- No student should come near the entry door of the bus until it has made a complete halt.
- All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their buses. No students should travel standing on the food-board. The students should obey the bus rules.
- The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit.
- The drivers are instructed to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the bus teacher. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters is always subjected to change.
- When the bus is in motion, students must neither move around in the bus nor expose their heads or arms outside the window.
- Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by negligence or vandalism and will have to pay the fine.
- No student is allowed to eat in the bus.
- Discarding of trash or food either inside or outside buses is not permitted.
- Unruly behavior like shrieking and shouting is not permitted. Courteous behaviour is expected all the time.
- The driver’s attention must not be distracted for any reason.
- The bus teacher and bus monitors/ conductors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. Any serious offence must be reported to the principal.